Sunday, March 1, 2009

Punishment and Pants

Owen was up to some of his old tricks tonight and ended up in a little "time-out" (see picture). While in said time out he continued to whine about being turned loose and exactly when that might happen. I suggested that he need be quiet lest he remain longer in time-out or finish his sentence sequestered in his room. After seeing his face lighten at the prospect of spending time in his room for time out instead of in a corner I figured I'd better clarify that he would not be there to spend time playing with toys or trinkets. So.... I said in a very authoritative sounding voice that I would "take every source of possible pleasure from his room" before he went in. A very meek and sad sounding Owen replied "even my pants".

Julie and I tried unsuccessfully to hold ourselves together but succeeded only in giggling like idiots in front of a confused Owen.

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