Sunday, March 1, 2009

Punishment and Pants

Owen was up to some of his old tricks tonight and ended up in a little "time-out" (see picture). While in said time out he continued to whine about being turned loose and exactly when that might happen. I suggested that he need be quiet lest he remain longer in time-out or finish his sentence sequestered in his room. After seeing his face lighten at the prospect of spending time in his room for time out instead of in a corner I figured I'd better clarify that he would not be there to spend time playing with toys or trinkets. So.... I said in a very authoritative sounding voice that I would "take every source of possible pleasure from his room" before he went in. A very meek and sad sounding Owen replied "even my pants".

Julie and I tried unsuccessfully to hold ourselves together but succeeded only in giggling like idiots in front of a confused Owen.

Colm makes a Pinata

All the kids decided today that it was there respective baby's birthday. In their honour of these very special stuffed animals it was suggested that cupcakes should be constructed to make the occasion festive. I smelled a sham but it is still the middle of winter and we needed something to do to avoid driving each other around the bend. Well, birthdays it was. In celebration after dinner Colm fashioned his own Pinata from tissue paper and this is the video of the boys holding the pinata for Kiara to hit.